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Ecuador Travel - Quito, Volcanoes, Galapagos Island

Posted on August 20, 2022 by Claude Champany

Located in the Andeas, Ecuador is really a land of intrigue for travelers. Happen to be Ecuador and you will trek the Amazon, climb volcanoes, or loaf on beautiful beaches. Possibly the biggest reason to go to Ecuador is really a stop by at the famous Galapagos Islands. Irrespective of your preference, the next attractions are worth a look.


A hot bed of colonial architecture, Quito may be the capital of Ecuador. The town is considered probably the most beautiful in SOUTH USA with architecturally masterpieces of white washed buildings with red tile roofs. For all those surviving in large cities, you will end up shocked by having less neon in Quito.

Surrounded by snow-capped mountains, the climate can be an eternal spring over summer and winter. The Avenue of the Amazons, "Avenida Amozonas", is really a bustling area with outdoor cafes and good people watching. Ecuador has economic problems, so look out for pickpocket thieves.

Avenue of the Volcanoes

South of Quito, the Avenue of the Volcanoes is crucial see. Running down each side of the valley are mountain peaks dotted with dormant volcanoes. Small villages through the entire valley supply the area a vintage world vibe.

Galapagos Islands

Darwin and the Galapagos Islands. Galapagos Islands and Darwin. Both are inseparable. Roughly 600 miles off the mainland, the Galapagos contain 13 islands with exotic wildlife. It is possible to reach the hawaiian islands by flying into San Cristobal or have a boat ride to the major islands such as for example Isabela.

San Lorenzo Railway

If you are considering a fresh experience, get one of these ride from San Lorenzo Railway to Ibarra. The trip runs through picturesque scenery, nonetheless it the train that's best. The train is truly a bus converted for the tracks! Only in Ecuador!

Ecuador has much to provide travelers searching for something off the beaten path. As the Galapagos Islands are perfect, all of those other country has much to provide.