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Tag: rides

Articles tagged as Rides

Cripple Creek, Colorado has Gold Rush Charm

Posted on July 12, 2023 by Claude Champany
Gambling Anyone? This can be a quaint little old west town that has been hugh through the gold rush, gold was initially discovered within 1890.There have been a large number of residents throughout that time.When the rush was over-all individuals left also it almost became a ghost town.Then in 1991 they allowed gambling in the city also it brought new lease of life to the region.Gambling anyone? - you can find only three towns in Colorado which are approved for high stakes gambling which is a good old west town to hold out in...

What You Need to Know About - Disney World

Posted on August 17, 2022 by Claude Champany
Have you ever marveled how will an day be if you're dining with some of the interminably beloved stars (of young and the old) from the cosmos--Mickey Mouse, Alice, Uncle Scrooz, to name a few.The experience would be exceptional and incredible, so is the location - Disneyland.Walt Disney, the father of the Disneyland established the first Disneyland theme park in Anaheim, California in 1954.The playground was inimitable and thronged by people of all age groups from toddlers who had just learnt to walk into the gray haired women and men...