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Tag: music

Articles tagged as Music

Prague Travel Basics

Posted on July 17, 2022 by Claude Champany
Prague is really a well- known old city of Europe that is clearly a host to numerous tourists at all times the entire year.The aura of the area speaks for itself.Prague may be the capital of Czech Republic whose traditional and archaic European ambience is too appealing than ever before imagined.Czech is regarded as to function as heart of Europe.The Sites Worth GazingThe Charles Bridge at Prague is really a host to numerous visitors at all times the entire year...

Salzburg - The Musical Heart of Austria

Posted on May 6, 2022 by Claude Champany
Mention the town of Salzburg, in Austria, and it's really amazing just how many people burst to their favourite song from "The Sound of Music".Not surprisingly, Salzburg has another claim to musical fame - it had been the birthplace of Mozart.With a lot of its central city relatively untouched for years and years, Salzburg offers the opportunity to see magnificent architecture by the bucket load.Mozart, however, is very much indeed some Salzburg, and can not be forgotten quickly...