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Salzburg - The Musical Heart of Austria

Posted on May 6, 2022 by Claude Champany

Mention the town of Salzburg, in Austria, and it's really amazing just how many people burst to their favourite song from "The Sound of Music". Not surprisingly, Salzburg has another claim to musical fame - it had been the birthplace of Mozart. With a lot of its central city relatively untouched for years and years, Salzburg offers the opportunity to see magnificent architecture by the bucket load.

Mozart, however, is very much indeed some Salzburg, and can not be forgotten quickly. There's Mozartplatz, with a large statue of guess who! The music academy is named Mozarteum, not to mention there's the home he was created and raised in (Mozart Geburtshaus) and another house where he lived between 1773 and 1780. This residence, referred to as the Mozart-Wohnhaus, includes a fascinating museum, really worth visiting.

Best of most, though, may be the confection called Mozartkugeln, or Mozart balls, a chocolate covered mixture of nougat and marzipan, which appears to decorate numerous shop windows.

"The Sound of Music", however, doesn't have the same enthusiastic support, and in a few ways is nearly ignored in Salzburg. Still, you'll be able to go to the gardens of Schloss Mirabell, where many scenes were shot. You can even wander the cemetery of St Peter's. That's where the Von Trapp family hid from the Nazis in the movie. In true to life it's much harder to assume a lot of people hiding in that small space!

The old area of the city centre provides many delights, so be sure you have a stroll for this exquisite area. Focus on both Residenzplatz and Kapitelplatz, which are on either side of the magnificent Dom (Cathedral). Finish off in Domplatz and you will be rewarded with a view of the Dom, the initial building beyond Italy that has been built-in the baroque style. Its three bronze doors symbolise faith, hope and charity.

Even better, take time to go inside and appreciate the inner. Gleam museum in order to explore further. There are several other beautiful churches nearby, including Franziskanerkirche (Franciscan Church) and Kollegienkirche (Collegiate Church). Alternatively, you will find a location to sit and drink a coffee when you absorb the atmosphere.

No visit to Salzburg will be complete with out a stop by at Festung Hohensalzburg - the Hohensalzburg Fortress. This old building dominates the old section of Salzburg, sitting on a hill above the town. You may be energetic and walk a quarter-hour up the hill to attain it, or it is possible to catch the funicular. Once you reach the very best, in the event that you breath hasn't recently been recinded by the walk, it'll be when you start to see the stunning views in so many directions.

You pays to visit the inside of the fortress, with a fascinating look at from state rooms to torture chambers.

Hopefully additionally, you will reach hear a few of the interesting tales concerning the fortress, some true, some not, but all entertaining. One archbishop had a specific fondness for turnips, and you can find supposedly 58 of these situated in various motifs round the castle. Another story tells of once the city was under siege, and the complete population was hiding in the fortress. Making use of their food almost gone, they paraded their final cow across the ramparts. They fooled the enemy into believing they still had abundant provisions, and the enemy quit and went home!.